A Guide for Evidence-Informed Decision-Making, Including in Health Emergencies

A Guide for Evidence-Informed Decision-Making, Including in Health Emergencies
  • WHO Team
  • Update
  • Reference
  • Copyright
    CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

­This guide aims to bring together the most recent thinking in the EIDM field and to present this in a format that is accessible to a wide audience of EIDM practitioners. It builds on, and contextualizes, the related World Health Organization (WHO) guide Evidence, Policy, Impact: WHO Guide for Evidence-Informed Decision-Making. Th­e WHO guide presents the “evidence ecosystem for impact” framework, including the evidence creation funnel and the “policy/action cycle” that are reproduced in this publication.

­This guide applies to clinical practice, public health, and health systems decisions. In particular, the focus is on interventions or options, including products (e.g., prescription medicines, health technologies), services (e.g., surgery, diagnostic test, health check, counseling), programs (e.g., screening, vaccination, education, prevention, health promotion), policies, and health system arrangements (governance, financing, delivery).

­The guide considers the development of guidelines, health technology assessments (HTAs) and its reports, and evidence briefs for policy (EBPs), and shows similarities between them in the EIDM process. It also shows the links between the different types of evidence used in EIDM, including data analytics, modeling, behavioral/implementation research, evaluation, and systematic reviews (evidence synthesis).

This tool provides guidance on the following steps of the policy/action cycle

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