Continuous adaptation and learning to sustain change
Evidence synthesis for health policy and systems: a methods guide
This methods Guide explores various ways to address the challenges of synthesizing evidence from HPSR including methods and tools to conduct and promote the uptake of evidence synthesis for health pol...
Nine steps for developing a scaling-up strategy
The Nine Steps for developing a scaling-up strategy tool and associated worksheets are based on the ExpandNet framework and provide stepwise guidance to develop a sc...
Practical guidance for scaling up health service innovations
The Practical Guidance tool identifies general scaling-up principles and provides examples from case studies of successful scale-up initiatives. It is helpful at the design stage, during implementatio...
TDR Implementation Research Toolkit
This toolkit provides deeper learning on implementation research, helping people learn a standard process that can lead to results that can be compared across regions and countries. It is designed to...
Implementation Research in Health: A Practical Guide
Implementation issues arise as a result of a range of factors including ‘real world’ contextual factors that are either overlooked or not captured by other research disciplines. Implementation researc...
WHO Evaluation Practice Handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to complement WHO’s evaluation policy and to streamline evaluation processes by providing step-by-step practical guidance to evaluation in WHO. It aims to foster the cu...
SCORE for Health Data Technical Package
The SCORE for Health Data Technical Package has been developed by WHO and partners to assist Member States in strengthening country data systems and capacities to monitor and track progress towards th...
A Guide for Evidence-Informed Decision-Making, Including in Health Emergencies
This guide aims to bring together the most recent thinking in the EIDM field and to present this in a format that is accessible to a wide audience of EIDM practitioners. It builds on, and contextuali...