Health Technology Assessment Toolbox for Emerging Settings: Best Practices and Recommendations

Health Technology Assessment Toolbox for Emerging Settings: Best Practices and Recommendations
  • WHO Team
  • Update
  • Reference
  • Copyright

This  toolbox  is  focused  on  the  use of health  technology  assessment (HTA) in emerging  settings.  Its  primary  audience  is  decision-and policy-makers, and professionals directly or indirectly, involved in the allocation or prioritization of health resources and technologies, with a  particular  interest  in  learning  the  advantages  and  potential  use  of HTA as a process, its main instruments and results.

The aim of this practical HTA Toolbox is to outline best practices and include  recommendations  for  emerging  countries. Countries  more experienced in this area will be the source of examples. 

This  toolbox  intends  to  support  countries  wishing  to  implement  HTA as  a tool   for   decision-making  processes. The Toolbox   addresses methodological issues, but its main value is the provision of examples and  good  practices  developed  by countries  of Central,  Eastern  and  South  Eastern  Europe  (CESEE) and  the  Region  of  the Americas   countries.  Practices   obtained   from   the   literature   or information   provided   by   countries   through   previously   developed alternative methods will also be presented.

Specifically, the toolbox aims to:

• Improve  understanding  of  the  complete  HTA  process,  from topic selection to the final HTA product, considering other key elements  such  as  social  values  and  participation  of  different social actors.

• Increase the skills of decision makers contributing to the HTA process.

• Provide guidance, resources and tools at each stage of the HTA process.

• Provide  recommendations  based  on successful  experiences using HTA.

• This  Toolbox  has  five  chapters.  Each  chapter  discusses  the conceptual background to its topic, evidence in which real life applications of HTA are presented, tools to facilitate the HTA application and, finally, main recommendations.

For information on developing and institutionalizing an HTA mechanism, see Institutionalizing health technology assessment mechanisms: a how to guide.

This tool provides guidance on the following steps of the policy/action cycle

Identify high- priority issue

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