Facilitator's guide: using research in the EVIPNet framework

Facilitator's guide: using research in the EVIPNet framework
  • WHO Team
    Evidence and Research for Policy-Making, Division of Information, Evidence, Research and Innovation, WHO Regional Office for Europe
  • Update
  • Reference
  • Copyright
    CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

This Guide provides complete instructions and materials needed to conduct a workshop in which participants are guided towards (‎i)‎ acquiring, assessing, adapting and applying evidence that is relevant to their policy needs and (‎ii)‎ preparing evidence briefs for policy and policy dialogues.

This Guide provides facilitators with complete instructions and materials needed to run the entire evidence-informed policy-making Workshop. The Guide further describes different approaches depending on participants’ needs and demands to make the Workshop as relevant as possible to the target audience. The Guide includes prompts for questions and comments during the presentation of the slides, as well as brief facilitated discussions at the end of each session on the topics presented. Furthermore, time is allocated for hands-on activities to enable participants to apply the concepts that have been covered.

The materials can be used as a three-day workshop or tailored to the specific needs of the organizations and participants involved. The resources and tools need to be adjusted to local, national or regional circumstances.

This tool provides guidance on the following steps of the policy/action cycle

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