Conceptual Background and Case Studies – Introduction to EVIPNet Europe

Conceptual Background and Case Studies – Introduction to EVIPNet Europe
  • WHO Team
    Evidence and information for Policy, Division of Information, Evidence, Research and Innovation, WHO Regional Office for Europe
  • Update
  • Reference
  • Copyright
    CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

EVIPNet is a knowledge translation network established by WHO. EVIPNet envisions a world in which policy-makers and other stakeholders in low- and middle-income countries use the best available research evidence to inform policy-making. As a WHO initiative in knowledge translation, EVIPNet’s mission is to promote a network of partnerships at the national, regional and global levels among health system policy-makers, researchers and civil society. Taken together, this will strengthen health systems and improve health outcomes through regular access to, and assessment, adaptation and use of context-specific research evidence. 

This publication provides an overview of evidence-informed policy-making, knowledge translation and EVIPNet. It presents lessons learned and experiences gained from the many groups around the world undertaking activities to support the use of research evidence in the policy process. Further, it assists countries in establishing EVIPNet country teams known as knowledge translation platforms (KTP).

This tool provides guidance on the following steps of the policy/action cycle

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