Options for best practice clinical guideline development in Ukraine: policy brief

Options for best practice clinical guideline development in Ukraine: policy brief
  • WHO Team
    Health Policy Development, Division of Country Policies and Systems of the WHO Regional Office for Europe; Quality, Norms and Standards, Science Division of WHO Headquarters
  • Update
  • Reference
  • Copyright
    CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

This policy brief summarizes the results of this study and describes best practice structures, processes and methods for guideline development in Ukraine. Key messages include the requirement for investment in capacity development for skills and competencies and the need to develop a process for the system for transparent management of conflicts of interest. 

The policy brief was developed as a response to the request from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to WHO to support the process of standardizing health care and strategic purchasing of services by guiding the development of evidence-based clinical guidelines in line with best practices and the country context. 

The brief builds on a scoping study (from October 2020 to February 2021) undertaken by WHO to assess the options the Ministry of Health should consider for implementing a national clinical guideline development process. The various legal orders enacted since 2012 were reviewed, together with the report of a major project on clinical guideline development in Ukraine carried out in 2004–2006. Representatives from key organizations were interviewed about their views on how best to implement a revised national guideline system.  The draft order on clinical guideline development was also assessed, and comments were provided to the Ministry. The study found clear evidence of general support for the process of revising clinical guidelines, moving away from simple translation to a more structured process of systematic adaptation of guidelines. As part of the process, WHO also conducted three webinars with interested stakeholders, including one on current international standards for clinical guideline development processes.  

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