E4As guide for advancing health and sustainable development: resources and tools for policy development and implementation

E4As guide for advancing health and sustainable development: resources and tools for policy development and implementation
  • WHO Team
    Policy and governance for health & WHO Venice Office for Investment for Health
  • Update
  • Reference
    9789289055772 (ISBN)
  • Copyright
    CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (‎SDGs)‎ requires working in transformative ways. This guide is a compilation of tools and resources for advancing health and sustainable development in countries of the WHO European Region. Using the E4As approach- Engage to Assess, Align, Accelerate and Account, this resource offers a set of methods, diagnostic tools, guidance documents, processes and mechanisms for better policies to achieve the SDGs. Developed in collaboration with national authorities, civil society and academia, this guide also presents case studies from countries and institutions of the WHO European Region, as well as tools and methods developed by WHO, other United Nations agencies, academia and civil society. This resource responds to the request of Member States for a resource kit to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It can be used by policy makers, public health institutions, academia, civil society, development partners and funding agencies within and outside the health sector, and everyone with an interest to promote and protect health and wellbeing for all at all ages.

This tool provides guidance on the following steps of the policy/action cycle

Implement, monitor, evaluate, and adjust

Global health and equity

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