SPECTRUM Generalized Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

SPECTRUM Generalized Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
  • WHO Team
    WHO CHOICE Team, Economic Evaluation and Analysis, Department of Health systems Governance and Financing
  • Update
  • Reference
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SPECTRUM Generalized Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (GCEA) is a tool developed to facilitate country-level cost-effectiveness analysis of a wide range of health interventions. The tool is populated with country-specific default information on epidemiology and estimated costs (quantities and prices). Country analysts can contextualize their cost-effectiveness analyses by changing default epidemiology and cost data to more locally relevant ones. If they wish, they can then proceed to assess health system implications and financial costs, using the OneHealth Tool to inform the design of health benefit packages and overall health strategies. The availability of cost-effectiveness analysis in the same platform as the OneHealth Tool allows users to apply the same set of impact models and cost data for both types of analysis.

This tool provides guidance on the following steps of the policy/action cycle

Identify high- priority issue

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