SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed Policymaking in health (STP) 11: Finding and using evidence about local conditions

SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed Policymaking in health (STP) 11: Finding and using evidence about local conditions
  • WHO Team
  • Update
  • Reference
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    CC BY 2.0

This article is part of a series written for people responsible for making decisions about health policies and programmes and for those who support these decision makers.

Evidence about local conditions is evidence that is available from the specific setting(s) in which a decision or action on a policy or programme option will be taken. Such evidence is always needed, together with other forms of evidence, in order to inform decisions about options. Global evidence is the best starting point for judgements about effects, factors that modify those effects, and insights into ways to approach and address problems. But local evidence is needed for most other judgements about what decisions and actions should be taken. In this article, five questions that can help to identify and appraise the local evidence that is needed to inform a decision about policy or programme options are suggested. These are: 1. What local evidence is needed to inform a decision about options? 2. How can the necessary local evidence be found? 3. How should the quality of the available local evidence be assessed? 4. Are there important variations in the availability, quality or results of local evidence? 5. How should local evidence be incorporated with other information?

This tool provides guidance on the following steps of the policy/action cycle

Identify high- priority issue

Design solutions

Design implementation

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