Making GRADE the Irresistible Choice authoring and publication platform (MAGICapp)

Making GRADE the Irresistible Choice authoring and publication platform (MAGICapp)
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MAGIC (Making GRADE the Irresistible Choice) is a non-profit foundation with the goal of increasing value and reducing waste in healthcare through a digital and trustworthy evidence ecosystem. MAGICapp is a core platform in the evidence ecosystem bringing digitally structured guidelines, evidence summaries and decision aids to clinicians and patients. 

The platform allows authors to write and publish their guidelines and evidence summaries in a highly structured fashion, using the GRADE methodology, new technology and a host of recent developed frameworks. MAGICapp is a web based collaborative tool that does not require any software installation and allows publication on all devices.

All researchers in MAGIC are practicing physicians devoted to evidence-based medicine and clinical epidemiology. We are also members of the GRADE working group and know from first hand experience that writing a guideline is a complex task and that many struggle with the methodology and the processes around.

MAGICapp includes features to guide you through the process of writing and publishing a guideline. A lot of research and effort has gone into improving the user interface of the platform – both for authors and readers.

This tool provides guidance on the following steps of the policy/action cycle

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