SURE Guide 7 is part of the SURE Guides for Preparing and Using Evidence-Based Policy Briefs. The SURE Guides are intended for those people responsible for preparing and supporting the use of policy briefs and ensuring that decisions about health systems are well-informed by research evidence. The guides focus specifically on these issues in the context of African health systems and the examples used are taken from policy briefs that address important problems in African countries.
SURE Guide 7 provides guidance on organising and running policy dialogues. Structured discussions about a policy brief can contribute to the development of evidence-informed health policies by adding value to the policy brief; help to clarify the problem and solutions and to develop a shared understanding amongst stakeholders; contribute to the development and implementation of effective policies; and contribute to good governance and democracy.
The guide provides resources to answer the following questions:
• What are the objectives of the policy dialogue?
• Who will participate in the dialogue?
• How will the dialogue be organised?
• What needs to be done following the policy dialogue?